Rebuilding Relationship Trust After Addiction Issues

Rebuilding relationship trust after addiction issues is possible. This can be a long and challenging process, and here are some tips:

  1. Honesty is best policy: Honesty is crucial in rebuilding trust. It is essential to be open and honest about your addiction, struggles, and your recovery journey. It may be uncomfortable, but it’s important to share your thoughts, feelings, and concerns with each other.
  2. Stay Consistent: Consistency is important to building trust. Show your partner that you are committed to your recovery and that you are maintaining your sobriety. Follow through with your promises and commitments.
  3. Communication : It is vital in any relationship, but it’s especially important when rebuilding trust. Talk to your partner regularly and openly about your progress, challenges, and on going goals.
  4. Take your time: Rebuilding trust takes time, and it won’t happen overnight. Be patient and understand that it may take some time for your partner to trust you again.
  5. Find a supportive community. Find support groups, therapy, trusted friends and safe family members. Having a support system will help you stay accountable, motivated and committed to your recovery goals.
  6. Actions speak louder than words. Show your partner that you are committed to making positive changes in your life by staying sober, making healthier choices and treating them with respect and kindness.

Remember, trust is easily lost and not easily earned. Trust can be rebuilt with time, willingness and consistency. If you would like to talk about your own situation, I am offering a sliding scale fee for 60-minute sessions. Please call NWA Marriage & Family Therapy at 479-225-0055 and leave a voice mail.

Thank you.